Values and Principles

Fenyx IT Academy provides challenging and rewarding training. In order to create a safe study and working environment the following code of conduct is established that applies to all trainees.


The Academy seeks to provide an inclusive, diverse, non-hierarchical learning community that fosters both individual and collective learning and growth. This community is based on mutual respect. Trainees shall respect ethnic, sexual, religious, and cultural diversity in the academic community. Trainees expressly engage in a collaborative and respectful attitude towards fellow students, members and all other professionals encountered during the course of the study. Trainees shall at all times refrain from the use of physical, verbal, psychological violence or violence of any other kind in their relationships with fellow trainees and members.


The trainee is an active member of the community of Fenyx IT Academy. This expressly includes being an active participant in training that is in line with the teaching philosophy and refraining from activities that undermine that philosophy. The student approaches the educational experience with an open mind and broad interest and takes in learning opportunities in an active and constructive manner. The trainee strives for improvement, is able to incorporate criticism, and is able to provide and receive feedback. Trainees are willing and able to reflect critically on their own thoughts and behaviour.


Trainees expressly accept the obligation to treat any file, documentation or information that they are confronted with in the course of their training as confidential unless explicitly stated otherwise. The trainee respects, at any time, the privacy of individuals concerned, including fellow trainees and members.

Legal community

Trainees understand and accept the fact that they are part of the legal professional community and therefore conform to the ethical, legal, procedural and other standards that are commonly shared in the legal professional world. Trainees conform to these standards in their presence, behaviour and use of language.


The trainee will abide by the norms that follow from this code as described above and will fully accept the consequences of not doing so. These consequences include denying the trainee in question access to Academy buildings, premises, and/or facilities, online and onsite trainings and training materials, or terminating their enrolment to the Academy.

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